Kingdom Christian Center

Service Times:
Sunday 9 am. Senior Saints Sunday School
Sunday 9:45 am Intercessory Prayer (main s
About Us
Kingdom Christian Center (KCC) is called to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and live out the beliefs our non-denominational bible based Christian faith. We are called to worship God and inspire others to live a restored life, to honor God, to recognize their God ordained purpose and reach their divine destiny. Our church reflects Christ through our worship, our witnessing and our ministry to the needs of the KCC family and our community. We preach the uncompromising word of God bringing hope to the hopeless, joy to the downtrodden, restoration to the hurting and the directions to the lost.
Kingdom Christian Center is a prosperous, dynamic, spirit-filled, multi-cultural church that is being added to daily. We teach the word with simplicity so that all that hear it can apply the word to their day-to-day life. Through the teaching of the Word and manifested change to individuals who hear the word of God, KCC impacts Jacksonville as well as the surrounding communities. We meet the needs of those in our communities, partner with international missions and proclaim the love of God to all.
Our Beliefs
We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that he was crucified, died and was buried. On the third day, he rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven. We believe that today he sits at the right hand of the God making intercession for us.
We believe that salvation comes through a person’s belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the propitiation of our sin and their confession of Jesus’ Lordship in their life.